- Art After 5/Counterpoint
- The Blessing and the Curse
- Emancipation Proclamation
- High Anxiety
- Master of the Universe I/II
- The Misapprehension of Bella Swan
- The Office (no longer available online)
- Reality Minus Expectations
- Stampede of a Thousand Pulses (no longer available online)
- Under the Apple Tree
Carolamex's List
(click on story for the link)MOTU I/II - SQIcedragon
- UoEM - Sebastian Robichaud
- The Blessing &The Curse - The_black_arrow
- Lolashoes trilogy LYLS, ALE, THW
- Wide Awake - Angstgodess
- The Best Man - Brattyvamp
- The Office - tby789
- Clipped Wings and Inked Armor - hunterhunting
- Carpe Noctem & Fiat Lux - queenofgray
- Emancipation Proclamation - Kharizzmatik
MoniNP's List
(click on story for the link)
- Master of the Universe I / II – Sqicedragon
- Emancipation Proclamation – Kharizzmatik
- The Office – Tby789
- Let Your Light Shine / A Life Extraordinary – LolaShoes
- Wide Awake – AngstGoddess
- University of Edward Masen – SR
RTP4ME's List
- Master of the Universe I/II by Snowqueens Icedragon
- The Blessing and The Curse by The Black Arrow
- THE LIST by Laura Cullen
- The Plan by QuantumFizzx
- Edward Wallbanger by feathersmmmm
- The Best Man by Brattyvamp
- The Harder they Fall by Ironic Twist
- While You Were Gone by Laura Cullen
- Abbracciare il Cantante by Bratty-Vamp
- Paper CutOuts by twistedcoincidence
Zaza724's list
- Edward Wallbanger by feathersmmmm
jsmommie's list
(click on story for the link)
The Misapprehension of Bella Swan - HunterHunting
- Love in My Box - Cosmo & Ma
- The Office - tby789
Mostly a lurker's list
(click on story for the link)
Hide and Drink – savage7289
- The Blessing and The Curse – The Black Arrow
- Master of the Universe I – Snowqueens Icedragon
- The University of Edward Masen – Sebastien Robichaud
- A Life Extraordinary – LolaShoes
- Let Your Light Shine – LolaShoes
- This Hungry World – LolaShoes