(click on story for the link)
Expectations and Other Moving Pieces
- Fall to Ruin One Day
- Going Down?
- Guardian
- Hydraulic Level 5
- Love is the End
- A Pound of Flesh
- The Ties That Bind
- Under the Same Moon
- We Come to Life Beneath the Stars
Livindol's List
(click on story for the link)
- A Pound of Flesh - Jaxon22
- All The Wild Horses - elusivetwilight
- Breach - Catastrophia
- Fold Your Wings - Jadalulu
- Lethal to Virtue - TheBondGirls
- She Gives Me Religion - LizLemonBennett
- The Art of Breaking - JDBeaner
- The Journal - MsEm
- We Were Here - Lola-pops
- What If - twihart21
Lfcpam's List
(click on story for the link)
- Strange Brew - Magnolia822
- Discovering You, Discovering Me - JSFazz
- Fridays at Noon - troublefollows1017
- A Pound of Flesh - Jaxon22
- My Viking - Sheviking
- Unexpected Circumstances - Savage7289
- Edroar the Angry Lion - Tropical Sorbet
- Frontline - MissAlex
- All the Wild Horses - elusivetwilight
- Lethal toVirtue - The Bond Girls
Carolamex's List
(click on story for the link)
- The Diva Diaries - KiyaRaven
- Expectations and Other Moving Pieces - Chrometurtle
- Fold your Wings - Jadalulu
- The Fall to Ruin One Day - Sleepyvalentina
- Men Without Eyes - Daniellers123
- Vines - FL95
- Whispered Words and False Promises - Lambcullen
- Grasping Darkness - KiyaRaven
- Empires of the Mind - Hibbleton78
- Blame it on Rio - DoUTrustMe
AdonicaSS' List
(click on story for link)
- MoTU 2 by SQicedragon
- We come to Life Beneath the Stars by Lillibellis
- Hydraulic Level 5 by Gondolier
- This Buried Life by Emmanuelle Nathan
- I Burn for You Gladly by MostlyaLurker
MoniNP's List
(click on link for story)
The Harder They Fall – Ironic Twist
- Fall to Ruin One Day – Sleepyvalentina
- A Form of Escapism – flubbles
- Expectations and Other Moving Pieces – chrometurtle
- Unexpected Circumstances – Savage7289
- The Cannabean Betrothal – ItzMegan73
- The Cullen Campaign – Belladona1472
- A Pound of Flesh – sophiejax
- Ride – kris salvadore
- Guardian – ChampagneAnyone
Zaza724's List
(click on the story for the link)
Djsmommie's list
(click on story for the link)
mostly a lurker's list
(click on story for the link)
- Sins of the Piano Man – solareclipses
- Tunes with Tony Masen – Just4ALE
- This Buried Life – Emmanuelle Nathan
- What Speaks in Darkness – cosmogirl7481
- The Art Teacher – spanglemaker9
- Ride – kris salvador
- Release – writingbabe
- Daniel Gale: Cumming to America – danielgaleh00rs
- Men Without Eyes – danieller123
- Dear Mr Masen – jendonna
rtp4me's List
(click on story for the link)